Remote Worker Visa - E33G

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A remote worker KITAS is a stay permit granted to foreigners working remotely for a company and allowing the visa holder to stay in Indonesia for 1 year. The E33G visa is a multiple entry visa, so the applicant doesn’t need to apply for a new visa as long as it is valid.

Can I work in Indonesia with a remote worker visa?

The remote worker visa allows the applicant to work remotely from Indonesia for a company located overseas. It is forbidden for the worker to conduct work for other companies located in Indonesia or to invoice clients in Indonesia.

What are the requirements for getting a remote worker KITAS?

  • Passport valid for at least 6 (six) months.
  • Personal bank statement with a minimum amount of USD $2000 or equivalent for the last 3 months period (including name, date of the period, and balance account).
  • Recent photograph.
  • Bank account that proves income in the form of salary or income worth at least US$60,000 per year;
  • Employment contract with a company established outside the Indonesian Territory.

How long is the process of obtaining a working KITAS?

The process takes up to 3 weeks after the reception of the documents.

What are the benefits and obligations for the worker?

The KITAS holder, including those on a digital nomad visa, is considered a resident of Indonesia. The applicant can benefit from the residency and have some rights such as buying a property under its name (Hak Pakai), buying a vehicle under its name, opening a bank account or subscribing to insurance such as any local person.

The worker needs to declare their personal income tax every year between January and the end of March following the fiscal year. The company has to pay the income tax each month and pay the benefits such as social security (BPJS).

As a resident, the KITAS holder also needs to register their address and obtain an SKTT, and report any address changes to immigration.

As KITAS holder, the worker can sponsor their relatives, and they can apply for a spouse KITAS or child KITAS to live in Indonesia as well.

What is the cost of a Remote worker KITAS?

The cost of the working permit is 13 000 000 IDR, including all visa fees.

Closing your Working KITAS (Exit Permit Only)

Your KITAS must be closed if you are not planning to continue working and extending your ITAS. You need to cancel the KITAS before or after leaving the country (ERP). It is mandatory if you also plan to apply with another sponsor.

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