Starting February 14, 2024, Bali has implemented a new tourism levy for the travelers.

If you are planning to visit Bali as a tourist or for business purposes, here is what you need to know.

How does this tax work?

Travelers need to register on the application The Love Bali App before their arrival to Ngurah Rai Bali International Airport.

Who are exempted from the Bali tourist Tax

According to the immigration and the Balinese government, the travelers holding a limited or Permanent stay permit are not subject to the tax and can get an exemption by registering 5 days before their arrival.

  • Holders of Diplomatic Visas and Official Visas
  • Crew Members of Conveyances are exempted
  • KITAS & KITAP Holders (Holders of Temporary and permanent stay permit)
  • Family unification visa holders
  • Student Visa Holders
  • Golden Visa Holders
Also read: Personal Income Tax in Indonesia for Residents & Expats

Am I subject to this tax for a business trip?

If your visa has been issued for business purposes, you can be exempted from this tax. Travelers with a tourist visa are subject to the tax.

How much is the tourist tax?

bali tourist tax

The price of the tourist tax in Bali has been set at 150 000 IDR per traveller or 10 USD.

How can I pay the Bali tourism tax?

You can pay the tax before your departure by downloading the Bali Love app or visiting the website

Do I need to pay the tax if I arrive from Jakarta or another port of entry in Indonesia?

You need to pay the tax even if you just transit in Bali or arrive in Bali from another city in Indonesia.

Do I have to pay the tax twice if I come back to Bali from another island?

The regulation stipulates that the tax is due before leaving the country. However the application is for now charging people coming back from another island.

Do I need to pay the Bali tourist tax if I do not go to Bali?

The tax is a local tax and it is not due if you do not enter Bali. You can travel to other islands and not pay the tax if you do not enter or transit by Bali.

What is the purpose of the Bali tourism tax?

The purpose of Bali’s tourism tax includes:

  • Funding environmental conservation efforts.
  • Preserving cultural heritage.
  • Enhancing tourism management for sustainability.
  • Supporting local community development.
Also read: Taxation in Indonesia: How Businesses And Individuals Can Save And Comply

Is Bali the only touristic destination to impose a tax on tourism?

This initiative mirrors global trends where destinations like Venice, Bhutan, and Japan implement taxes for sustainability and infrastructure improvements. Venice charges day-trippers to manage overcrowding, Bhutan levies a daily fee for its conservation efforts, and Japan’s departure tax supports tourism infrastructure.

These comparisons highlight Bali’s commitment to balancing tourism with environmental sustainability and cultural preservation, ensuring a positive impact on the local community and environment. However, such as Paris, Malaysia, it might be interesting to charge the tax directly while travelers book their hotel or villa to make the process easier (meaning reinforcing tax declaration and payment from business and not making the tourist responsible for the declaration).