Whether you live in or come to Bali and Indonesia for holidays, you may want to buy or rent a motorbike or a car in Bali. As all countries in the world there are some requirements to have driving licence in Bali. With its beautiful surroundings and great weather, going around by yourself without a driver is an affordable and exciting way to explore the islands.

Requirements to rent a motorbike in Bali

Like other countries in the world, Indonesia has signed international treaties and recognised other driving licences from other countries. However, having a licence from your country is not sufficient. The travellers need to have an international driver licence attached to their national licence.

The international licence needs to authorise you to drive the type of vehicle you are looking to drive in Bali. For example, if your international driving permit only authorizes you to drive a car, you cannot rent and drive a motorbike, and vice versa. The renter still accepts you to rent the motorbike or the car. However, if there is a police control, you will commit an infraction and need to pay a fine. In a worst-case scenario, if you have an accident, your insurance will not accept to refund you. Remember that hospitals are not like some countries in Europe, and you need to pay the bill if you want to be taken in charge by the hospital.

Also read: How to Open a Bank Account in Indonesia for Foreigners (2024)

Type of Driving License in Bali

driving license in bali

Driving licence for car and motorbike in Bali

Indonesia has several types of driving licences depending on the type of vehicle you drive. The driver’s license in Indonesia is called a SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi Indonesia). The minimum age in Indonesia to drive a car or a motorcycle is 17 years old. Obviously, in Bali, a lot of locals drive under age and do not respect this, but again, what you may see is not what needs to be done. Do not let your kids under age drive and expose them to a fine or bigger issues.

  • SIM A: Driving licence for a car
  • SIM C: Driving licence for a motorcycle

Requirements to get the driving licence in Bali

  • KITAS and SKTT
  • Application form
  • Fingerprint
  • Medical certificate
  • Psychological test result
  • Pass both theory and practical or simulator examination

If you wish to get your driving licence and get more information about it, feel free to reach out to us. We will let you know more about the process and how to get your driving licence.

How to purchase a motorbike or a car in Bali

As a foreigner, it is possible to purchase a motorbike or a car in Bali. Foreigners can get the administrative documents under its name, and it is cheaper to rent a motorbike or a car continuously. The requirements to purchase a motorbike or a car are as follows:

  • Having a KITAS
  • Get your SKTT (Civil registration)
  • Be above the age of 18 years old
  • Register the motorbike or the car with the local authorities
  • Having an Indonesian driving licence