There are several reasons you might need to check the company profile of a company in Indonesia. Whoever you are, an organisation, a NGO or an individual it is important to know with whom you are dealing and if the company is legit.

Know your partners

The KYC process is now commonly used by companies online or banks before entering into business relationships. However, as individuals, it’s important to know how to verify the legitimacy of the company you’re dealing with. This includes conducting a company background check to understand who the shareholders are and whether the director is legitimate.

By performing a thorough company background check, you can ensure that the company you are engaging with is a legitimate legal entity in Indonesia.

Get professional legal advice for Indonesia

Indonesia’s legal system is complicated, with its many regulations, licences, and special rules for foreigners. Don’t make the mistake of trying to navigate it alone, and get the help of experienced consultants instead. 

At ILA, we can help you with intellectual property, corporate law, drafting, reviewing and managing legal documents, navigating commercial transactions and much more.

You’re not alone. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation or read more about our legal service

Purchasing properties

When it comes to purchasing a property in Bali, it is crucial for your contract to check if the developer is a legit entity here, if the real estate agent has the right licence to take a brokerage commission. Those parties will be in a contract and you need to make sure you can turn yourself to the court against a legit entity in case of dispute.

Commercial agreement

As a legal business or individual, doing business in a foreign country can be challenging to know with whom you are dealing. Having a website is not a guarantee of a legitimate entity, and the consequences of entering into a deal with a company without checking the company profile can have heavy consequences. None wants to start a business with a fake company or a director pretending to be one of the legit ones.

Reasons to check the company profile in Indonesia

  • Check if the company is legal
  • Ensure the licences are still active
  • Make sure the director signing the documents has the right
  • Check the real shareholders and who is the owner of the company

How to check the company profile in Indonesia

company profile indonesia

Collect the data

The first step is to know the name of the company and ask for the legit name. The portal name or commercial name can be different from the real name or legal name of the company. To conduct a proper company information lookup, you need to request the name of the company, starting with PT.

Check to AHU

It is possible to check with the Indonesian registry AHU the company profile. Although some websites can request 100 USD to check a company, the Indonesian government only charges a small fee to check the profile of the company.

Also read: How to Register a Holding Company in Indonesia (2024 Guide)

Report of a company profile

After requesting the report, here are the details you will get:

  • Company type (PT PMA, PT PMDN, etc. )and classification (KBLI)
  • Licensing
  • The date of last revisions to the Deed of Establishment.
  • Registered address
  • Size of capital. Number of shares and price per share.
  • Shareholders and how many shares they own
  • Directors and commissioners

Ask to ILA

If you can’t proceed with the payment or cannot check the company profile on AHU with the Indonesian registry, you can contact us for assistance.