PSE License in Indonesia: Essential Steps for Online Businesses

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For any business conducting operations online within Bali or Indonesia, obtaining the PSE License is crucial. This articles delineates the procedure for acquiring the PSE license. It covers the importance in meeting data protection standards, and how it supports your online enterprise to comply with Indonesian regulations.

  • The PSE License is vital for online businesses operating in Indonesia, ensuring the electronic system is secure and compliant with data protection standards set by the Indonesian Ministry of Information and Communication.
  • Acquiring a PSE License involves a multi-step process including preparing extensive documentation, registering on the OSS platform.
  • Holding a PSE License offers substantial business benefits such as customer trust and compliance with the regulations.

Understanding the PSE License in Indonesia

Illustration of electronic systems in Indonesia

Having the PSE License is crucial for the thriving of any online business within Indonesia. It verifies that an online company complies with Indonesian standards and laws regarding data protection.

Granted by Indonesia’s Ministry of Information and Communication, this PSE certification ensures that a company’s electronic system is secure, which is a vital aspect in operating an online business successfully in Indonesia.

Read Also: Steps to Open Your Company and Business in Bali and Indonesia

The Importance of Having a PSE License

Obtaining a PSE License is essential for an e-commerce business, as it represents a mark of trustworthiness. It signals to customers that the security of your electronic system and their data privacy are taken seriously. Consequently, this certification is instrumental in boosting consumer confidence, engaging users more effectively, and securing the operations of successful commerce over the internet.

Scope of Electronic Systems Covered by the PSE License

The PSE Certificate covers an extensive array of electronic systems, encapsulating everything from e-commerce platforms to mobile applications and web portals. For operations within the jurisdiction of Indonesia, acquisition of a PSE License is compulsory.

By mandating the PSE License for all businesses engaging in online commerce, there’s a guarantee that these entities adhere strictly to elevated data security norms. This comprehensive approach effectively safeguards Indonesia’s digital ecosystem against various threats.

Steps to Acquire Your PSE License

Illustration of PSE License application process in Indonesia

Securing a PSE License requires one to traverse a set of distinct stages, each designed to validate adherence with the regulations established by Indonesian legislation. This procedure entails assembling an extensive array of documents, enrolling onto the OSS platform, and then standing by for the nod from the MOI Verification Team.

To delve into greater depth regarding these phases:

Preparing Documentation for PSE Application

In the beginning phase of acquiring a PSE License, document preparation is key. This stage sets the groundwork for establishing your online business in Indonesia, including formalizing your company as an authorized entity. You’ll need to secure a business license (NIB) and obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).

During this initial step, it’s crucial to work with us to understand the strcturure of your business. Completing this phase involves submitting comprehensive profiles that detail both the Electronic System Provider and its associated electronic system. These overviews present critical information about your online enterprise and form an important base as you advance through Steps of securing the PSE license.

Read Also: 12 Things To Know To Create A Company In Indonesia

Navigating the OSS Platform for PSE Registration

After assembling all necessary documents, the next phase is to proceed with the Online Single Submission (OSS) interface. This electronic system represents the only channel for acquiring a PSE license. Businesses aiming to register must first accurately identify their business classification in line with their specific e-commerce operations.

During this phase:

  • Identify and specify your sector
  • Pinpoint your sub-sector
  • Detail your system type, highlighting details of your company’s electronic system
  • State where your server is hosted
  • Elucidate on how the electronic system facilitates and manages business processes

Post submission of registration through ‘PB-UMKU’ selection on the online single submission platform, it becomes possible to access, download, and print an electronically endorsed PSE registration certificate that embodies user information online.

As soon as you find recognition for your electronic commerce setup within the authoritative list of PSEs, your advancement toward earning a coveted PSE license signals success in navigating this part of establishing an online enterprise.

Verification and Approval by MOI Verification Team

Securing the PSE License hinges on the final endorsement from the MOI Verification Team.  They will evaluate your business’s risk profile and classifies it accordingly as low, medium or high. The approval will detail the range of services allowed.

This step is essential for legitimizing your online venture in Indonesia, marking it as compliant and fit to partake in online transactions within this vibrant market.

Legal Framework Surrounding the PSE License

Illustration of legal framework surrounding the PSE License in Indonesia

Operating an online business in Indonesia requires understanding the intricate legal framework, specifically governed by Regulation No. 5 of 2020. Acquiring a PSE license is crucial as it demonstrates your commitment to user data protection and adherence to industry standards.

Consequences of Operating Without a PSE License

In Indonesia, conducting business without a PSE License can lead to strong consequences. The risks include facing administrative penalties such as being blocked from access, temporarily suspended, and at worst permanently barred from offering services within the country.

E-commerce platforms and other businesses utilizing private electronic systems must adhere to PSE license regulations or face severe repercussions. Sanctions for non-compliance with PSE certificate requirements are enforced vigorously by the Indonesian authorities who may either directly impose through internet service providers to limit or completely cut off access to those operating illegally. Thus, securing a PSE license goes beyond mere compliance. It’s essential for uninterrupted commerce and service provision.

Updates to PSE Regulations and Compliance Requirements

Businesses operating within the Indonesian e-commerce sphere must remain alert and adaptable to retain their foothold in this constantly evolving market, especially when it comes to securing investment from foreign entities. As technological progress and shifts in market conditions occur, the Indonesian government routinely adjusts its PSE regulations accordingly. It’s crucial for businesses to stay abreast of these legislative modifications.

Setting Up Your E-commerce Business with a PSE License

Illustration of setting up e-commerce business with a PSE License in Indonesia

Following the guidelines of acquiring an e-commerce business license, setting up your e-commerce enterprise in Indonesia can be a smooth and successful venture. This entails making pivotal choices regarding your commerce model, determining the type of legal entity for your business, and incorporating PSE (Private Service Electronic). License requirements into the strategic planning for your commerce operation.

Choosing the Right Business Model and Entity Type

PT PMA is the only legal structure for a foreigner to open a e-commerce company in Indonesia. Local PT is not a protective way to start your business as nominee shareholder is illegal in Indonesia.

Integrating PSE License Considerations into Business Planning

Ensuring that your business strategy accounts for the requirements of a PSE License is akin to preparing thoroughly for an upcoming voyage. This includes evaluating when it becomes necessary to engage a local representative and making arrangements to adhere to regulations.

Adopting this forward-thinking attitude guarantees that your e-commerce venture not only meets Indonesian regulatory standards, but is also well-prepared for thriving within the local commerce scene.

Tailoring Your Online Platforms for Indonesian Regulations

Ensuring compliance with local laws is vital for the success of companies operating in Indonesia’s e-commerce sector. This includes enhancing online shopping experiences through:

  • Mobile device optimization
  • Incorporation of regional payment options
  • Tailoring marketing tactics to align with Indonesian consumer preferences
  • Developing systems to address customer grievances efficiently.

These deliberate adjustments guarantee that online platforms are not only adherent to regulatory standards, but also remain formidable and welcoming within the commerce landscape.


It’s clear that the PSE License is an essential compass for navigating the vibrant digital seas of Indonesia. From understanding its importance and scope, we have charted a comprehensive course through the world of PSE Licenses. With this knowledge at your helm, you’re now equipped to embark on your own e-commerce journey in Indonesia. Get ready to explore new horizons and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most profitable business in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, the construction sector emerges as the top-earning business. The sector generates substantial profits with a revenue tally of Rp 18.8 trillion, accounting for 21.1% of total earnings.

The sectors specializing in transportation, warehousing, and telecommunications are not far behind on the profitability scale. They collectively bring in revenues amounting to Rp 18.2 trillion or capture 20.3% of market share.

How to register small business in Indonesia?

In order to establish a small business in Indonesia, it is necessary to select an appropriate structure. You must provide the shareholders, define a resident director and commissioner. ILA can accompany you to register a small business in Indonesia.

Read Also: Your Guide for Product Registration in Indonesia [2024]

Can foreigners start a business in Indonesia?

Indeed, individuals from other countries are able to establish a business in Indonesia. The particular rules and prerequisites can differ depending on the business category and the country of origin of the foreigner. Typically, this includes creating a PT PMA (Foreign Owned Company) or forming an alliance with an Indonesian counterpart.

What is PSE license in Indonesia?

Issued by the Ministry of Information (MOI) in Indonesia, the PSE license attests to a company’s electronic system complying with data protection standards, thereby enhancing trust among the public regarding online services.

Contact us if you want to get your PSE license or register your online or e-commerce business in Indonesia. You can also book an online meeting with us.

Why you can trust ILA

With over 500 successful projects worldwide, ILA Global Consulting leads the way in assisting international investors and corporations as they navigate the dynamic markets of Southeast Asia. Our over 20 years of experience in strategic, legal, and investment advisory services allow us to provide customized solutions to expertly manage the complex investment landscapes of Indonesia.

ILA’s guiding principle, ‘Your journey, our expertise,’ underscores our dedication to fostering growth, ensuring compliance, and transforming challenges into opportunities for our clients. We serve corporations, high-net-worth individuals, and dynamic entrepreneurs, delivering personalized solutions that promote growth, ensure regulatory compliance, and convert market challenges into opportunities.

As a renowned firm with years of experience and a tightly knit network of business partners, we can share accurate and reliable legal and investment information about Indonesia. Our blog posts are written by Peni and Flo personally and are constantly updated to adjust to any changes in Indonesian law and local regulations.

Picture of Nani Peni

Nani Peni

Nani Peni Adiarti, the co-founder of ILA Global Consulting, holds a Bachelor's degree from Sahid Jakarta University. With more than 15 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge in market entry and office management, Peni specializes in guiding investors through the intricacies of Indonesia and specifically Bali's market. Renowned for her exceptional ability to cultivate strong client relationships, Nani boasts a proven track record in new business development, problem-solving, negotiation, effective management, customer service, project management, and sales. Her innovative approach consistently yields results, forging lasting connections across Southeast Asia.

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