Your Guide to Register Your Product in Indonesia

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Indonesia, with its vibrant archipelago and rising middle class of over 270 million consumers, stands as a tantalizing prospect for ambitious businesses globally. Its potential is undeniable, driven by a booming economy, a tech-savvy young population, and an increasing demand for imported goods. But unlocking this potential hinges on navigating the intricacies of its regulatory landscape. This article covers the product registration in Indonesia.

Indonesia: A Market Ripe for the Picking

Imagine a marketplace buzzing with 270 million potential customers, their wallets steadily growing wider. That’s Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia, where consumer spending is projected to reach a staggering $1.2 trillion by 2025. This market, fueled by a rapidly rising middle class and tech-savvy generation, is a goldmine for distributors willing to venture beyond their borders.

Key Takeaways

Indonesia’s growing economy and sector liberalization offer attractive opportunities for foreign investors, but challenges such as protectionism and infrastructure issues must be navigated carefully, especially regarding product registration.

The BPOM regulates the safety and effectiveness of products in Indonesia, requiring meticulous registration processes and ongoing compliance checks, including initial approvals, inspections, and post-market surveillance.

Product quality standards are central to Indonesian market entry, with international certifications such as ISO 9001 being crucial for compliance and market trust, and the BPOM oversees registration for diverse categories including food, beverages, medicines, health supplements, medical devices, and cosmetics.

Navigating Indonesia’s Product Landscape

makeup, cosmetics product to be register in Indonesia

The economic advancement of Indonesia has been remarkable, especially under President Joko Widodo’s leadership. The nation is moving steadily towards becoming a higher-income economy with its GDP nearly reaching $1.32 trillion USD by 2022. Thanks to the efforts in diversifying the economy and improving infrastructure, along with sector liberalization, there exists an inviting environment for foreign investors.

Nevertheless, Indonesian consumers are exhibiting prudent spending habits due to prevailing economic fears. This behavior translates into trends like buying smaller product sizes and allocating more budget towards health-related goods and services. Simultaneously, e-commerce platforms have seen substantial growth as consumers shift toward online purchases that offer better deals.

It remains crucial for potential investors to be aware of continuing challenges such as protectionist policies, corrupt practices within certain sectors, and inadequate infrastructure that could hamper operations of foreign companies interested in entering this space. A thorough comprehension of these impediments is essential. Similarly, so is knowledge concerning procedures for product registration in Indonesia if one intends to secure success while penetrating the Indonesian market.

The Role of BPOM in Product Registration

BPOM office building in Indonesia for product registration

Companies planning to enter the Indonesian market should become acquainted with Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM), which serves as Indonesia’s equivalent of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). BPOM plays a crucial role in drug and food control within Indonesia, requiring that all products be registered with this agency prior to their distribution.

The product registration process overseen by BPOM is thorough. It necessitates that local entities carry out the submission for registration. Through its evaluation procedures, BPOM guarantees only those products conforming to safety and efficacy standards are allowed into the consumer market.

BPOM’s responsibilities encompass:

  • Initial regulatory approval processes
  • Educational initiatives for consumers
  • Consistent inspection routines
  • Ongoing post-market monitoring

These measures are implemented with an objective to maintain continuous compliance with established safety and quality guidelines.

Read also: How to Register Trademark in Indonesia (2024 Guide)

Meeting Quality Standards for Products in Indonesia

International quality certification in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the process of product registration is closely tied to maintaining high-quality standards. Indonesian entities demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and outstanding quality in products and services by obtaining international certifications like ISO 9001.

Such certifications act as tangible evidence of a product’s adherence to safety and quality criteria, which helps bridge gaps in information regarding product compliance. As more certifications are issued within Indonesia, there’s an observable positive impact on both GDP growth and per capita income, thereby promoting market efficiency as well as enhancing consumer confidence in brands.

Accreditation from the Indonesian National Agency is crucial for certification bodies within the country. This step is essential within the framework that upholds rigorous quality norms. This strong focus on upholding quality standards reflects Indonesia’s initiative toward encouraging foreign investment and fostering global partnerships.

Essential Steps for Product Registration with BPOM

cosmetics, brush, makeup

The commencement of the product registration process in Indonesia with BPOM can be initiated through an online application on either the website of BPOM or Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) using Single Sign-On. This procedure has been established to facilitate a more efficient way to acquire business licenses and import permits.

Each product that is registered must adhere to precise labeling standards, which include receiving designations such as ML for imported food products, MD for those manufactured domestically, and SP designated specifically for small and medium enterprises that are being mentored.

To successfully navigate the registration process with BPOM, one must submit several administrative documents including:

  • A drafted application letter
  • The API denoting Importer’s Permit
  • A formal Authorization Letter from overseas manufacturers
  • Certificates proving adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
  • SIUP referring to Trading License
  • The company’s NPWP signifying Taxpayer Identification Number

Specific documentation may vary depending on what type of product is being registered. This might include acquiring a NIB reflecting the Single Business Identity Number, Trade Business License, or an API pointing towards Importer Identification Number. Based on the specific category under which a product falls within their inventory list, BPOM retains discretion in requesting Documents if deemed necessary.

Also read: How to Register Trademark in Indonesia (2024 Guide)

Food and Beverage Regulation and Registration in Indonesia

packaged, organic, paper bag

The BPOM categorizes food and beverage products into four levels of risk.

  1. Very Low Risk: Such items usually have minimal processing with a limited number of ingredients.
  2. Low Risk: This group consists of processed foods, for example, instant noodles.
  3. Medium Risk: These are products that experience moderate levels of processing and may contain an increased variety of ingredients.
  4. High Risk: Products in this category are heavily processed and often include substantial amounts of food additives or preservatives.

Products deemed as Medium Risk might be subjected to methods like sterilization or pasteurization to ensure food control, while those classified as High Risk cater specifically to certain health conditions including:

  • Items containing food additives
  • Special nutritional products targeting particular groups
  • Foods claiming specific health benefits
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
  • Alcoholic drinks

Some types of processed foods and beverages—namely those with a shelf life under seven days, goods not sold directly to end consumers or small imported quantities destined for precise uses—are exempt from undergoing the usual assessment protocols ensuring their safety based on these categories.

Ensuring Compliance for Medicines and Health Supplements

The registration process for medicines and health supplements in the Indonesian market necessitates a thorough documentation submission as part of the labeling requirements, influencing their access to the marketplace. BPOM assigns distinctive labels once products are registered: Code ML signifies imported items, Code MD denotes locally manufactured goods, and Code SP is allocated to companies with counseling aid ensuring adherence.

Compliance with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is obligatory for entry into the market and is verified through GMP inspections of manufacturing sites by BPOM. Health supplements, encompassing food supplements, must undergo an evaluation from BPOM that confirms both safety standards and claim veracity. All medications need to have completed registration with BPOM before they can be distributed within Indonesia irrespective of whether they are imported or produced domestically.

For foreign entities eyeing entry into this sector, it’s crucial to engage a local business agent or partner who will help navigate through the intricate steps involved in securing BPOM approval for pharmaceuticals intended for sale on Indonesian soil. Exporters should start this detailed process considerably ahead of time relative to when they plan on beginning export activities due to its extensive nature.

Registering Medical Devices and Equipment in Indonesia

In Indonesia, medical devices are classified into four levels based on risk, from Class A for those with the lowest risk to Class D for those carrying the highest risk. Registration of these devices is mandatory through BPOM and must align with global standards by assessing their safety and functionality to ensure they meet regulatory compliance.

The Good Method of Distribution of Medical Devices (CDAKB) sets forth specific prerequisites encompassing quality management systems, storage protocols, product tracking capabilities, and processes for managing customer complaints. The comprehensive list of documents necessary when registering medical devices includes an executive overview, device labels details, manufacturer data sheets, ISO certifications demonstrating quality management adherence a thorough analysis identifying potential risks associated with the use or malfunctioning of thee device and evidence showing clearance from international regulatory bodies.

To successfully register a medical device in Indonesia, one must undergo several steps.

1.Establish your legal entity’s registration digitally at the Ministry Of Health.

2 Observe protocol by tendering all relevant paperwork through an officially designated intermediary.

3 Identify which class your media device falls under, and proceed with its registration.

4 Acquire an NIE number essential forbearing before doing sales and import activities related to the device in Indonesia.

It’s important to recognize that licenses issued for accredited medical products in Indonesia have a shelf life projected between two years and a maximum five-year period. Additionally, compliance with product registration in Indonesia ensures the safety and efficacy of medical devices marketed and used within the country.

Read also: New Import Policy for Hand-Carry Goods in Indonesia

Navigating Cosmetic Product Registration in Indonesia

In Indonesia, the registration process for cosmetic products mandates that these items are tested for safety and do not contain any prohibited substances. Cosmetic product registration in the country requires stringent adherence to regulations concerning labeling, advertising, and marketing claims. A separate registration is necessary for each variant of a cosmetic product before it can be legally distributed and sold within Indonesian territory.

Given that most of Indonesia’s population practices Islam, halal certification becomes an essential aspect of registering cosmetic products there. Post-registration support with obtaining halal certification can be provided by organizations like ILA Global Consulting. Only businesses established under Indonesian law have the authorization to import and distribute international brands of cosmetics in Indonesia—a regulation pivotal to ensuring legal compliance.

The BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan) handles the comprehensive steps involved in achieving registration status which include:

  • Establishing a company
  • Securing warehouse facilities
  • Recruiting a technical supervisor
  • Amassing required documentation
  • Acquiring relevant licenses
  • Completing BPOM application procedures
  • Processing payment fees
  • Conducting additional tests on products if necessary

This process culminates with awaiting review from BPOM authorities.

Beyond Registration:

Companies are required to adhere to the specific labeling standards set by BPOM, which involve providing detailed ingredient information and ensuring all labels are translated into Bahasa Indonesia. In order to appeal to the predominantly Muslim population of Indonesia, companies should also consider securing Halal certification.

As a component of its oversight responsibilities, BPOM might carry out spontaneous product inspections for ongoing market monitoring. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to uphold steady quality management practices, especially during the product registration process in Indonesia.

Obtaining a Letter of Import from BPOM

In order to acquire a Letter of Import from BPOM, the following actions are required:

  1. Complete an online registration through either the BPOM or Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) portal.
  2. Submit all necessary documents electronically.
  3. For every product intended for importation, obtain a distinct product registration number issued by BPOM.

The process of applying for a Letter of Import includes these steps:

  1. Make payment via e-payment as part of submitting your application.
  2. Await the evaluation carried out by BPOM which may necessitate testing samples of the products.
  3. Be prepared to provide additional documentation or conduct Tests if requested based on your specific product category.

Expect several weeks for processing time when seeking a Letter of Import and be aware that should there be any grounds for rejection, BPOM will communicate these reasons allowing you as an importer to rectify them before reapplying. It is mandatory that applications are submitted directly to the Head of BPOM in accordance with regulations when importing food and drug commodities into Indonesia through SKI (Letter Of Intent).

Why Register Your Products in Indonesia?

Failing to register your food products in Indonesia isn’t just a missed opportunity – it’s illegal. The National Agency for Drug and Food Control (BPOM), akin to the US FDA, enforces strict regulations to ensure food safety and quality. Unregistered products face:

  1. Compliance & Legality: Avoid hefty fines, product seizures, and blacklisting by fulfilling legal obligations through registration. Show your commitment to responsible business practices and build trust with authorities.
  2. Market Access: Unregistered products face restricted distribution and sales channels. Get your official green light to reach millions of Indonesian consumers across numerous retail outlets.
  3. Consumer Confidence: Registered products bear the stamp of approval, boosting trust and brand image among discerning Indonesian consumers. This translates to increased sales and loyalty for your business.

Not All Products Require Product Registration in Indonesia

BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan), the Indonesian FDA equivalent, oversees food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and certain household products. But before diving into BPOM specifics, let’s clarify:

  • Products under other agencies: Industrial items, textiles, fertilizers, pesticides, and electronics have their own regulatory bodies.
  • Exempt products: Low-risk items like clothing, stationery, and handicrafts fall under specific exemption categories.

BPOM Registration: Navigating the Maze

The registration process can seem daunting, but understanding the key steps simplifies the journey:

  1. Identify Your Product Category: BPOM classifies food products based on risk level. This determines the required tests and documentation.
  2. Prepare Documents: Gather everything from manufacturing details and ingredient lists to safety test reports. Be meticulous and ensure accuracy.
  3. Submit Application: Electronically or physically submit your application and documents to BPOM, paying prescribed fees.
  4. Evaluation and Testing: BPOM evaluates your application and may request product samples for laboratory testing. Comply promptly with all requests.
  5. Registration Certificate: Upon approval, you receive your official certificate, granting you the legal right to sell and distribute your food products in Indonesia.

Also read: Import to Indonesia: Mastering the Procedures in 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I check if a company is registered in Indonesia?

To confirm the legitimacy of an Indonesian company, one should go to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights’ official website. By searching with either the name of the company or its registration number, you can retrieve essential details about the business in question.

How much does it cost to register a company in Indonesia?

The estimated expense to register a PT (Perseroan Terbatas) company in Indonesia is around IDR 15,000,000. In contrast, the cost for setting up a PT PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) company approximates IDR 20,000,000.

These figures represent the typical costs associated with establishing a company in Indonesia.

What is the product registration?

The government issues an authorization known as product registration, permitting the marketing, distribution, sale or importation of a commodity within a particular nation or region.

Securing this approval is vital for adherence to the relevant local regulations and standards.

What is the business registration number in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, the NIB serves as the business registration number, a certificate that is essential for companies to engage in legal business operations and obtain necessary licenses within the country.

What is the cosmetic regulation in Indonesia?

Applicants seeking to register cosmetic products within Indonesia are required to be legally recognized entities as per the laws of Indonesia and must secure an import license from Indonesian Customs.

The oversight of this registration process falls under the purview of the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority, according to information available on Wikipedia.

Do I need to register my product in Indonesia?

Yes, most products require registration for legal compliance and market access. Medical devices have to be registered in Indonesia.

What types of products need registration?

It depends on the category. Food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, and certain household products require BPOM registration. Others fall under different agencies or are exempt.

What are the consequences of not registering my product?

Product seizure, hefty fines, and even blacklisting from the Indonesian market.

What are the benefits of registering my product?

Legality, market access, increased trust and brand image, and a competitive edge.

What is BPOM and what products does it regulate?

BPOM is the National Agency for Drug and Food Control, similar to the US FDA. It covers food, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, traditional medicines, and certain household products.

How do I know which BPOM category my product falls into?

BPOM classifies products based on risk level. Products like industrial items, textiles, fertilizers, and electronics have their own regulatory bodies. Find out which one applies to your product.

  • Very Low Risk: Minimal processing, few ingredients
  • Low Risk: Processed products and dry food
  • Medium Risk: Mainly processed foods with sterilization or pasteurization.
  • High Risk: Products related to health

Low-risk items like clothing, stationery, and certain handicrafts are exempt from registration.

How long does the BPOM registration process take?

It can take 3-12 months, depending on the complexity of the product and testing requirements.

Do I need to test my product in Indonesia?

BPOM may request product samples for testing to ensure safety and quality.

Do I need an import license for my product?

Yes, if your product is imported, you typically need an Import Authorization (IDAK) from BPOM.

What distribution channels can I use after registration?

Registered products gain access to a wider network of distributors, supermarkets, and online platforms.

Do I need additional approvals for specific distribution channels?

Some channels may have their own requirements. Check with the channel operator or your consultant.

Partnering for Success for your product registration in Indonesia

Navigating the registration process alone can be challenging. Experienced legal and consulting firms like ILA can:

  • Demystify regulations: We translate complex rules into actionable steps, saving you time and resources.
  • Document Preparation: We assist in gathering and preparing all required documents, ensuring completeness and compliance.
  • Liaison with BPOM: We act as your intermediary, handling communication and advocacy throughout the process.
  • Streamlined Efficiency: We optimize every step, minimizing delays and frustration, letting you focus on your business.

While BPOM registration is critical, other factors influence success in the Indonesian food market:

  • Cultural Adaptation: Adapt your product ingredients, packaging, and messaging to resonate with local preferences and cultural sensitivities.
  • Distribution Network: Secure reliable distribution partners with strong reach and expertise in the Indonesian market.
  • Marketing and Branding: Develop effective marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience and build brand awareness.


    The market in Indonesia offers a wealth of opportunities, underscored by its regulatory framework, that attracts foreign investors. It is essential for these investors to grasp the complexity involved with product registration, including BPOM’s role and adherence to regulations pertinent to items like food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, health supplements, medical devices and cosmetics when entering the Indonesian market.

    For both seasoned businesses and new startups alike, this guide lays out all necessary actions required for product registration in Indonesia. Through meticulous preparation along with strict compliance to standards and sustained quality management your path towards triumph within the Indonesian marketplace can unfold efficiently and prove fruitful.

Why you can trust ILA

With over 500 successful projects worldwide, ILA Global Consulting leads the way in assisting international investors and corporations as they navigate the dynamic markets of Southeast Asia. Our over 20 years of experience in strategic, legal, and investment advisory services allow us to provide customized solutions to expertly manage the complex investment landscapes of Indonesia.

ILA’s guiding principle, ‘Your journey, our expertise,’ underscores our dedication to fostering growth, ensuring compliance, and transforming challenges into opportunities for our clients. We serve corporations, high-net-worth individuals, and dynamic entrepreneurs, delivering personalized solutions that promote growth, ensure regulatory compliance, and convert market challenges into opportunities.

As a renowned firm with years of experience and a tightly knit network of business partners, we can share accurate and reliable legal and investment information about Indonesia. Our blog posts are written by Peni and Flo personally and are constantly updated to adjust to any changes in Indonesian law and local regulations.

Picture of Nani Peni

Nani Peni

Nani Peni Adiarti, the co-founder of ILA Global Consulting, holds a Bachelor's degree from Sahid Jakarta University. With more than 15 years of experience and a wealth of knowledge in market entry and office management, Peni specializes in guiding investors through the intricacies of Indonesia and specifically Bali's market. Renowned for her exceptional ability to cultivate strong client relationships, Nani boasts a proven track record in new business development, problem-solving, negotiation, effective management, customer service, project management, and sales. Her innovative approach consistently yields results, forging lasting connections across Southeast Asia.

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